They rescue a group of rafters on the coast of Mexico

The rafters were transferred to the Puerto Juárez Naval Station and handed over to the authorities of the National Migration Institute.

Rescate de balseros © Gobierno de México
Rescue of rafters Photo © Government of Mexico

In a maritime rescue operation off the coast of Mexico, seven rafters, possibly Cubans, were saved by a tanker and handed over to Mexican immigration authorities.

The event reflects the continuing migration crisis affecting the Caribbean region. The group of seven irregular immigrants was rescued on the high seas, in Mexican waters, according to reportsCambio22 - Isla Mujeres.

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The rescue of the rafters occurred on February 29, 2024 and highlighted the cooperation between civilian vessels and naval authorities.

It was carried out after the international flag tanker reported to the Command and Control Room of the Ninth Naval Region the discovery of a small vessel adrift, more than 100 kilometers from Cabo Catoche, Quintana Roo.

In the emergency call, the ship confirmed that the seven people had already been rescued and were on board awaiting assistance from the Mexican Navy.

A Defender type vessel from the Naval Search, Rescue and Maritime Surveillance Station (ENSAR) of Isla Mujeres was deployed to receive the group of foreigners, whose nationality has not been confirmed, but it is suspected that they may be Cuban due to previous migration patterns.

Those rescued received food and hydration assistance, and a medical checkup by Naval Health personnel determined that they were in good health.

They were later transferred to the Puerto Juárez Naval Station to be placed at the disposal of the National Migration Institute (INM), an organization that will be in charge of the pertinent legal procedures.

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This incident is similar to a rescue that occurred that same week, whenanother group of seven people, identified as Cuban, was assisted by the Mexican Navy in similar circumstances near Isla Mujeres.

The arrival of rafters to the coasts of Mexico highlights the persistent and desperate struggle of Cuban migrants to escape communism and undertake migratory routes that allow them to achieve a better future.

The situation of these irregular immigrants is uncertain, since Mexico has in the past deported Cubans who arrive to its territory illegally.

This highlights the complex humanitarian situation and the challenges of public policies in the face of the constant flow of migrants seeking to escape the economic and political crisis that is devastating Cuba.

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