Most of the migrants with syphilis in Tapachula are Cubans

Three out of every ten migrants who cross the southern border of Mexico present syphilis

Migrantes cubanos en Tapachula © Martí Noticias
Cuban migrants in Tapachula Photo © Martí Noticias

The organization 'Brigada Callejera en Apoyo Elisa Martínez' has issued an alarming warning this Sunday, revealing that three out of every ten migrants who cross the southern border of Mexico have syphilis or other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), the majority Cubans.

Cristian Gómez Fuentes, head of the organization in Tapachula, saidto the EFE agency, that a significant contagion of syphilis was detected among the migrant population, with a special focus on the Cuban community. Faced with this situation, the brigade is carrying out rapid tests for HIV and syphilis, although so far no cases of HIV have been detected.

Leonel Vega Díaz, a Cuban migrant, called on his compatriots to go to the available health centers and take preventive measures, including the use of contraceptives. He stressed the importance of regular monitoring and medical tests to address any health situation in time.

The president of 'A Friendly Hand in the Fight against AIDS', Rosemberg López Samayoa, underlined the seriousness of the situation, especially among young migrants. The lack of access to information and adequate preventive measures during the migratory journey aggravates the problem, which requires a greater commitment on the part of the authorities to provide information and prevention services to this vulnerable population.

The situation on Mexico's southern border reflects the humanitarian crisis facing the country, with a 77% increase in irregular migration, exceeding 782,000 people in 2023. According to data from the US Border Patrol, in February aloneabout 22,946 Cuban migrants They arrived at the country's borders in search of asylum, of them 6,596 in the Miami sector, where rafters arrive by sea.

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