Almost 23 thousand Cubans arrived in the United States in January

At least 6,596 migrants arrived through the Miami sector.

Migrantes cubanos © Facebook/ImpactoVisión Noticias
Cuban migrants Photo © Facebook/ImpactoVisión News

Almost 23,000 Cubans arrived in the United States in January in the context of the immigration crisis on the island.

The Border Patrol said in its latestreport that 22,946 migrants from the island arrived at the country's borders in search of asylum, of them 6,596 in the Miami sector, where rafters arrive by sea. Most migrants enter through the land border with Mexico.

The figure is slightly lower than that of December, when 25,060 migrants from the island arrived by sea and land, and of them more than 17,000 did so through the Mexican border.

Figures ofCBP One

Since the beginning of fiscal year 2024 on October 1, 86,139 Cubans have arrived in the country through these routes.

Currently, Cubans who arrive at the border have previously received an appointment through the applicationCBP One.

The current scenario at the border puts pressure on the Joe Biden administration, which has tried in various ways to address the crisis on its borders.

The humanitarian parole programHe turned one year old on January 6 and has facilitated the arrival of more than 50 thousand Cubans to the United States.

For its part, the CBP One application recorded nearly 360,000 successful appointments as of November.

The Cuban migration crisis continues unstoppable amid a deterioration inliving conditions on the Caribbean island.

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