They reveal video of the collision of two tourist boats near the port of Miami that left 13 injured

The injured will sue the two companies involved since the ships did not follow safety protocols. "It was an extremely frightening crash."

AndVideo showing the moment two tourist speedboats collided near the port of Miami has come to light.

The incident occurred on Sunday, February 11 at 3:15 pm around Fisherman's Channel, and left 13 people injured, some of them with serious or permanent injuries. One even had to be airlifted to Jackson Memorial Hospital.

The recording was made by one of the passengers who was with several people on one of the boats, and shows the moment in whichThe other boat approaches at high speed from the side and hits it.

SomeVictims of the accident plan to sue the companies that own the two boats.

The Mausner Graham Inquiry Law firm, specializing in personal injuries in Miami, will try to obtain compensation for its clients, two of whom had to be hospitalized for their injuries.

"They suffered broken bones, one lost consciousness and another suffered a traumatic brain injury," Thomas Graham toldNBC6, quoted byTelemundo 51.

"In this case, both ships were simply unsafe, failed to maintain a lookout, failed to avoid a collision, accelerated and as you can see in this video that our client managed to record, it wasan extremely frightening crash. "If safety protocols had been followed, it could have been completely avoided," he said.

A spokesperson for the firm added that the case underscores the need to wear life jackets and use engine kill switches.

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) reported that the boats involved are the Obelix and the Thriller, the tourist who recorded the video was traveling on the latter. Both are charter boats, but the Obelix was operating illegally.

The USCG and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) are investigating the cause of the accident.

In the first news of the event it was reported thatThere were 29 injured and 13 had been hospitalized.

About twenty units from the City of Miami Fire Department, the FWC and the USCG responded to the scene.

Images released later showed that several rows of seats in Thriller 0-6 were displaced after the crash.

Both vessels remain out of service.

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