El Taiger, on the controversy between Peruvians and Cubans over the distribution: "Be grateful"

Taiger says that Cubans should be grateful to Peru for promoting the distribution.

Several Cuban singers are speaking out about the controversy that has arisen on social networks overthe origin and popularity of the cast, a controversy that is pitting Peruvians and Cubans against each other. One of the artists who has not hesitated to position himself has beenThe Taiger, who in a direct statement made it clear what he thinks about this situation.

"Now there is a country that gives it to us and we go out to tell them that it is ours. They know that it is ours, but they are celebrating it. We are serious.", commented El Taiger in the live he did on Instagram.

An opinion that he also showed in a story on the same social network: "Look how we are, the first country that gives it to us and we attack it. Be grateful. My respects to Peru."

El Taiger sobre la polemica del reparto peruano
Capture Instagram

While the controversy over the cast is raging on social media, other exponents of the Cuban genre such as Wampi, Nesty, Mawell or Charly & Johayron have also spoken out.

"Thanks to Peru, other countries are starting to listen to us," said the "La Triple M" singer, after granting the paternity of the cast to Chocolate MC. "Cuban music is making a lot of noise in the world, it is time to build," said Charly & Johayron.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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