Cuba is left out of the ranking of the most beautiful Latin women in a survey: "And the Cuban women?"

The Cuban women did not manage to enter this time in the ranking of the most beautiful Latin women.

The digital siteLatina Women made asurvey to decipher which were the five Latin American countries that had the most beautiful women.

The result is giving a lot to talk about on social networks, especially in the Cuban environment, since among the countries chosen by said portal there is not Cuba and therefore, Cuban women.

So what nationalities occupy these five positions? The Latin countries that, according to the survey, are characterized by having the most beautiful women are:

  1. Argentina
  2. Mexico
  3. Brazil
  4. Colombia
  5. Venezuela

One of the communicators who has echoed the news has been the presenter Enrique Santos, who commented on the topic on his program.

In the publication of a video on his Instagram account where he talks about it, the debate was opened among many Internet users, especially Cubans, who do not agree with the result of the survey.

"I don't agree", "And where are the Cuban women?", "Cuban women are beautiful", "Of course, if all those women the first thing they do is fill themselves with surgeries and make themselves complete, then anyone is beautiful." " or "Go to Cuba, there are impressive women without so much surgery," are some of the comments that shine in the presenter's post.

What do you think?


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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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