They arrest an opponent who stood up with his family in the El Cobre Sanctuary

Ramón Jesús Velázquez Toranzo called to fight for human rights in Cuba and was detained by State Security.

The Cuban oppositionRamon Jesus Velazquez Toranzo He was detained in the El Cobre Sanctuary, where he had stood with his family inviting Cubans to fight for human rights and the freedom of the island.

Rufina Velazquez, daughter of the activist, made a broadcast on Facebook this Monday where she narrated the details of her father's arrest and explained the situation of the rest of the family.

"They were taken against their will from theSanctuary of El Cobre, where they were staying. They took my dad away by force, handcuffed and even in his underwear. State Security said they were arresting him for inciting the people," Rufina said.

The arbitrary arrest occurred on Sunday. The opponent's daughter assures that her fatheris on hunger strike in some prison in Santiago de Cuba, but they still don't know where.

Ramon Jesus Velazquez Toranzo Last week he stood with his family in theSanctuary of the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre and called for the mobilization of Cubans on March 8, to fight for human rights and against the dictatorship.

The opponent read a statement on social networks in which he invited them to find their own, quick and definitive solution to such difficult problems that suffocate the population. The message bothered the regime and they have exercised their usual repressive practices against the activist.

The family of Catholic opponents traveled to Cuba to ask the island's believers to join the cause. On this topic Rufina pointed out:

"The rights we are asking the Cuban people to fight for are theright to assemble and express. My family is paying the price for fighting for the freedom of Cuba. Nobody knows how much Cuba hurts. "This gives no benefit," he said.

Rufina reiterated that she will remain firm in support of her fatherRamon Jesus Velazquez Toranzoand the opposition's desire to see Cuba free one day.

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