El Taiger surprises the daughter of Jacob Forever and La Dura with a birthday gift

Jacob Forever thanks El Taiger for the gift for his daughter Saisha: "God repay you with good health"

It's been a month sinceSaisha, hija of Jacob Forever and La Dura, celebrated his ninth birthday, but has not yet finished receiving all his gifts for this important occasion and this weekThe Taiger gave him a very special one.

The Cuban reggaeton artist visited the Inmortal in his home and did not arrive empty-handed, because he had prepared a gift for his daughter with La Dura: a gold chain, which the little girl received with great expectation while the singer took it out of its case. .

"Thank you my brother for the birthday gift to the girl. May God repay you with good health"wrote Jacob Forever, who shared the moment in which he gave this beautiful detail to his girl on Instagram stories.

This moment that the two Cuban artists experienced comes a few days after the concert given by the singer of "Hasta que se se el Malecón" in Miami, where he offered a great and applauded presentation for his audience after his tour of Europe.

For his part, El Taiger is involved in different controversies with other artists such as Alexander Delgado or Al2 El Aldeano, who this Tuesday dedicated a story to him attacking him.

Al2 arremete contra El Taiger
Capture of Instagram Al2 The Villager

"You are a shame for Cubans who take care of the morale of their family. You are so disgusting," Al2 told him in a story with his photo.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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