Alejandro Gil's wife is also detained and his daughter is incommunicado

The information was offered by the nephew of the former Minister of Economy and Planning, Daniel Alejandro Trujillo Gil.

Alejandro Gil y su esposa Gina María González © Alejandro Gil
Alexander Gil and his wife Gina Maria Gonzalez Photo © Alejandro Gil

The wife ofdefenestrated Minister of Economy and Planning Alejandro Gil Fernandez,accused of corruption by the Cuban regime, is detained and their daughter is held incommunicado, according to a family source.

“Both my uncle Alejandro Miguel Gil Fernández and his wife,Gina María González García They are subject to investigation by the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Cuba. "They are held incommunicado outside their home in a place I don't know," he said.Daniel Alejandro Trujillo Gil a Martí News, from a social media profile of his mother, María Victoria Gil, sister of the dismissed official.

Trujillo Gil assured that his cousinLaura María Gil González She is incommunicado at home. Meanwhile, his cousinAlejandro Arnaldo Gil González He is without restrictions in his home in the Marianao municipality with his wife and 7-year-old son, because he has always resided separately.

He reported that, despite thethank you post that his mother wrote this day after her visit to Cuba, she is experiencing a hypertension crisis due “to the insults she has unfairly received” on social networks.

“I love my country and I adore my people. I am incapable of profiting from the sacrifice of my fellow men. I love you immeasurably and I will always be on the side of truth, honesty and justice. An infinite hug from the depths of my heart,” María Victoria wrote on Facebook while thanking friends, acquaintances, followers, and even the Cuban authorities for “not bothering her at any time.”

On March 7,The Cuban government reported the opening of an investigative file in the Prosecutor's Office for "serious errors" of the former Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Planning, Alejandro Gil Fernández.

In a note signed by the Cuban leader and first secretary of the Communist Party Miguel Díaz-Canel, “at the proposal of the Attorney General of the Republic, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Party and the Council of State, they approved that the competent bodies of the Ministry of the Interior will initiate the corresponding actions for the complete clarification" of the conduct that is attributed to Gil, among which he listed "corruption, simulation and insensitivity."

From that moment on, it has been the independent media and journalists who have followed the development of the case of the former Cuban government official, while the Havana regime and its media remain with their usual secrecy and delay in information.

JournalistMario J. Penton reported in a video that he spoke with a source close to the investigation, who assured him thatGil's family found out about his arrest on national television.

"People very close to the investigation who decided to speak on condition of anonymity assured us that his house had been raided and they had taken him to talk, no one knows if to Villa Marista or to a safe house of the Intelligence organs of the Cuban regime. "he added.

Recently, it was known thatFernando Javier Albán, owner of AgroIndustrial Media Luna, a successful company in Ciego de Ávila that produces fruit juices and other products under the Tuaba brand, was detained by Cuban authorities for an alleged investigation into his relationship with the dismissed Minister of Economy and Planning.

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