Former Cuban Minister of Economy Alejandro Gil would be detained after corruption scandal

His family found out about his dismissal from television. Close sources claim that his house was raided and he was taken to "talk", but no one knows where.

The former Cuban Minister of EconomyAlejandro Gil Fernandez, against whom the Prosecutor's Office opened an investigative file for corruption, could be detained, according to sources close to the family. Martí News.

JournalistMario J. Penton He reported in a video that he spoke with a source close to the investigation, who assured him that Gil's family found out about his arrest on national television.

"Since the weekend there were rumors in Havana about an alleged arrest of the former minister," Pentón said.

"People very close to the investigation who decided to speak on condition of anonymity assured us that his house had been raided and they had taken him to talk, no one knows if to Villa Marista or to a safe house of the Intelligence organs of the Cuban regime. "he added.

So far the government has not clarified whether Gil was arrested.

On Thursday, official media released a note reporting the opening of ainvestigative file in the Prosecutor's Office for "serious errors committed" by him in the performance of his duties.

According to said note, the person involved acknowledged "serious accusations" and therefore renounced his status as a member of the Party and as a deputy to the National Assembly.

The information adds that the Party and the government will never allow corruption, simulation and insensitivity, and that the more trust has been placed in a cadre, "the greater the rigor and intransigence with which it will act."

At the beginning of February, MiguelDíaz Canel dismissed Alejandro Gil Fernández as Minister of Economy and Planning.

A note published by the newspaperGranmastates that the Council of State, at the proposal of the President of the Republic and prior approval of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Party, agreed to release Gil Fernández from his responsibilities as deputy prime minister and Minister of Economy, without further details.

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