Spokesman for the Cuban regime calls Alejandro Gil a traitor

Michel Torres Corona unceremoniously attacked the former Minister of Economy Alejandro Gil.

The official spokespersonMichel Torres CoronaIn this Tuesday's broadcast of the program "Con filo" he attacked the defenestrated former Minister of Economy Alejandro Gil, whom he indirectly called a "traitor", while warning that no one can be above the law.

“The revolution does not deserve traitors or corrupt people and is bigger than any of us.No one has the authority to evade those ethical precepts that are the fundamental foundation of the social pact of the socialist model and today we are convinced that the results of the investigation will be made known because there is no shame in bringing crime and irresponsibility to light, but in the vile act of cover-up,” said Torres Corona.

In a program loaded with fragments of speeches from Fidel Castroagainst corruption, Michel Torres Corona described the most recent and notorious episode of corruption in Cuba as “serious and painful for any revolutionary” and promised“severe and swift justice” for the person involved.

A singular ingredient was the broadcast during the program of a fragment of the televised trial in 1989 of General Arnaldo Ochoa Sánchez, protagonist of the most famous corruption case that has shaken the regime in more than six decades and which resulted in the death penalty for several of those involved.

Michel Torres Corona did not miss the opportunity to allude - without direct reference to Leopoldo Cintra Fría - to what he called“elaborate conspiratorial plots taken out for a walk” following the fall from grace of the deposed minister.

With the arrogant tone that characterizes him and quoting everything from Che to Martí to Luis Toledo Sande, Michel Torres Corona concluded by advising thatThose who do not have the capacity to deal with the historical responsibility that their position represents must resign, something that, curiously, thousands of Cubans have been recommending for years - inside and outside the island - to Miguel Díaz-Canel himself.

It was last March 7th thatThe Cuban government reported the opening of an investigative fileto the former vice prime minister and minister of Economy and Planning, Alejandro Gil Fernández for "serious errors" committed.

From that moment on, it has been the independent media that has followed the development of the case against the former high-ranking Cuban official, while the Havana regime and its media remain with their usual secrecy and delay in information.

JournalistMario J. Penton reported that he spoke with a source close to the investigation, who assured him thatGil's family found out on television national of his arrest.

It was also news that Fernando Javier Albán, owner of Agro Industrial Media Luna, a successful company in Ciego de Ávila that produces fruit juices and other products under the Tuaba brand,He was detained by Cuban authorities for an alleged investigation into his relationship with the dismissed minister.

Finally, a few hours ago it was learned that Alejandro Gil Fernández's wife is detained and that their daughter would be incommunicado, as specified toMartí News Daniel Alejandro Trujillo Gil, son of María Victoria Gil, sister of the dismissed official.

In the midst of the official silence - scarce in details about the process - a message on social networks fromLis Cuesta Peraza added fuel to the fire of uncertainty that burns these days about the wavering stability of the regime.

Díaz-Canel's wife sent a tweet in which she noted that in "in difficult times the number of hesitant increases"; at the same time he noted "there are those who get confused, there are those who become discouraged, there are those who cower, there are those who soften, there are those who betray, there are those who desert."

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