Hundreds of Cubans arrive at Miami airport on humanitarian parole

The reporter points out that dozens of people arrive every day but Fridays are the ones with the most income.

Hundreds of Cubans arrive weekly at the Miami airport thanks to the humanitarian parole enabled by the Biden Administration in January of last year, journalist Javier Díaz confirmed.

"Every Friday, hundreds of Cubans arrive at Miami International Airport through humanitarian parole, CBP One through Mexico or family reunification processes," he said.

The reporter points out that dozens of people arrive every day but Fridays are the ones with the most income.

So far 75 thousand Cubans have benefited from theinitiative, he emphasizes.

Díaz assures that the hugs from family and friends who meet again are constant in the International Airport Terminal.

The day before, a group of 21 states led by Republicans,appealed a federal judge's decision in Texas that favors the continuity of theparole humanitarian aimed at citizens of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Federal Judge Drew Tipton, from Texas, ruled on March 8 in favor ofmaintain said program.

Official statistics indicate that more than 357,000 people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela arrived legally in the United States under the protection of humanitarian parole, since its implementation on January 6, 2023.

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