Mario Cedeño, Miss Dayana's partner, obtains American citizenship: "I have a gringo boy!"

“March 12 has been one of the happiest days in my life since this great country gave me the opportunity to be an American citizen,” Mario said in a social media post.

Srta Dayana y su pareja Mario Cedeño © Instagram / Mario Cedeño
Miss Dayana and her partner Mario Cedeño Photo © Instagram / Mario Cedeño

Mario Cedeño, partner of Miss Dayana, became this week United States citizen, an achievement that filled the singer with pride and satisfaction.

In her Instagram stories, the artist shared the news with her followers along with a photo of Mario holding the certificate and the American flag.

“I have a gringo guy!”, she wrote amusingly in her publication along with emojis of all kinds.

Instagram Capture / Miss Dayana

In his profile on that social network Mario Cedeño wrote: “March 12 has been one of the happiest days in my life since this great country gave me the opportunity to be an American citizen.”

In his words he included advice for all Cubans who have emigrated to the United States: “My people, never do anything illegal, nor commit a crime that could affect your integrity, be good men and women to receive all the blessings of life.” , to get ahead in this great country. Just make an effort, work, become a professional, choose the right path and you will have more results, more money and more success.”

In the comments, several of his partner's friends and colleagues congratulated him on this great step. “From Manicaragua to the world,” he reacted Lenier Mesa.

“My king, congratulations, that good news, you deserve it for giving yourself and fighting, we are happy for you,” he added. Eduardo Antonio.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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