Carlos Otero outraged with Hispanic media in Miami for low coverage of protests in Cuba

The Cuban presenter asked for more information about what is happening in Cuba, in the Hispanic media in the United States.

The Cuban presenterCarlos Otero showed his indignation with the Hispanic media in Miami for the low press coverage they have given of the protests in Cuba this weekend.

"TheHispanic television from Miami "is blind and deaf with Cuba," said the communicator on his Instagram profile where he detailed the monitoring he has done of several Hispanic media outlets in his city.

"It is outrageous for himcuban exile This is what the television stations in Miami are doing. That is why every day social networks are more reliable in information and all the public that previously consumed the content of television channels have stopped watching them, especially Cubans," said Otero.

On Sunday theCuban people took to the streets to demonstrate against the regime due to blackouts and food shortages. Altercations occurred in Santiago de Cuba, Bayamo, Cárdenas, and other cities, but they did not have a wide presence in the Miami media, according to Carlos Otero.

Among the criticisms he made of the media treatment of this matter, the harshest comments were dedicated to a channel with which he worked for 17 years,AméricaTevé.

Carlos said that this "channel was supposedly fromcuban exile, but he has not been able to put up a video" and predicted that this Monday perhaps they will release something, "after everyone else has reported."

"They don't give a damn about the Cuba issue, not evenTelemundo, ni aUnivision, ni aAméricaTevé. It's amazing howthey belittle the Cuban exile and the people of Cuba," he emphasized.

The protests occurred on a Sunday and caught many media outlets off guard. Little by little they have been releasing data and videos, but so far only in the news.

Carlos insists that these channels have not made special broadcasts about this event, as many Cubans in Miami wish to be informed with all the details.

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