Cubans shout Freedom in 17M protests

Numerous videos published on social networks showed the protesters chanting “Freedom, Freedom” and “No more grinding”, even in front of the Santiago de Cuba authorities themselves, standing on the roof of a house in the Veguita de Galo district, the epicenter of the protests.

While the propaganda of the Cuban regime insists on minimizing the reach ofthe 17M protests, reducing them to specific demands for “food” and an end to the blackouts, social networks reveal the reality that is hidden behind the population's discomfort.

The Cuban people not only demand “current and food”, but also shouted “Freedom” this Sunday. He did it in Santiago de Cuba, in Bayamo and in Cárdenas, towns where hundreds of people took to the streets despite the strong police presence.

According to the Cuban official press, the protesters asked for electricity and food. “Isolated cries of ‘Patria y Vida’ were also heard coming from small groups within the popular mass, but they were not followed by the majority,” he noted..

However, numerous videos published on social networks showed the protesters chanting “Freedom, Freedom” and “No more grinding”, even in front of the Santiago de Cuba authorities themselves, standing on the roof of a house in the Veguita neighborhood of Galo. , epicenter of the 17M protests.

In addition to “current and food” and “Patria y Vida”, during the spontaneous protestsCries of “Down with communism” were also heard., in demonstrations that the authorities tried to calm by bringing food trucks.

“Several people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the situation of electrical service and food distribution. This context is attempted to be taken advantage of by the enemies of the Revolution, for destabilizing purposes,” wrote the Cuban ruler.Miguel Diaz-Canel in your account on X (Twitter),blaming the blockade for the situation in Cuba.

For its part, the United States urged the Cuban regime to respect the human rights of the protesters and Cubans in general.

“We are aware of reports of peaceful protests in Santiago, Bayamo, Granma and other places in Cuba, with citizens protesting the lack of food and electricity.We urge the Cuban government to respect the human rights of protesters and address the legitimate needs of the Cuban people,” indicated the United States Embassy in Cuba on its social networks.

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