The Cuban activistYamilka Laffita, known as Lara Crofs on social networks, reported new threats against her after her publications about the Cuban girl Amanda Lemus, whose case revealed the collapse of the Health system on the island.
"The threats began. They can try to intimidate all they want, my right to dissent is more irrevocable than their revolution of fallacies," said the young woman inFacebook.

Likewise, he showed the message received from a phone that pretended to be Cubacel, and in which he said that the company had blocked his account due to his "counterrevolutionary activity."
"Cubacel informs: Your SIM card has been blocked for conspiring against the Cuban revolution for 30 days," the message said.
Many claim that the number could be that of some agent of the regime since Etecsa does not leave numbers for registration; but the truth is that Laffita is once again at the center of the regime's repression.
The victim herself explained that the line never stopped working, but that ETECSA would have provided the number to a State Security agent since she has given it to few people.
He added that he has called the phone number that sent him the message a thousand times and it is turned off.
The young woman has beenarrested on several occasions and threatened through their platforms, especially following the case of the girl Amanda Lemus, who thanks to the activism of dozens of Cubans organized by Lara Crofs was able to leave the island andundergo a liver transplant operation in Spain.
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