Activist Rosa María Payá at the UN: “Cuba must be expelled for violation of human rights”

Rosa María Payá demanded the expulsion of Cuba from the Human Rights Council, for serious and systematic violation of the fundamental freedoms of the people.

The Cuban activist for democracy, Rosa María Payá, demanded this Tuesday the expulsion of Cuba from the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), in Geneva, Switzerland.

“Mr. Vice President, it is time to stand on the side of the Cuban people and expel the Cuban dictatorship from this council,” he published on his personal profile on the red social X.

The also founder of the political initiative Cuba Decide argued that the Castro government violates human rights in a “serious and systematic” manner.

Payá mentioned that "just as Russia was expelled, today we officially call for the same to be done with Cuba under article 8 of resolution 60/251."

Furthermore, he denounced that the government of his country “is an ally of Russia in its war of aggression against Ukraine and facilitates the sending of young Cubans to the Russian army”.

One of the arguments that the activist mentioned at the CDH was that Cuba uses state terrorism.

According to Payá's statement, Cuba “executes its opponents extrajudicially, as the Inter-American Commission ruled, when he held the Cuban state responsible for the murder of my father Osvaldo Payá and Harold Cepero”.

Furthermore, he said that the regime represses, imprisons and tortures those who think differently, and added that currently There are more than 1,000 people in prison in Cuba for expressing his opinion publicly, “like the opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer, systematically tortured and in danger of death.”

In relation to the deep crisis that the nation is experiencing, the worst in the last six decades, argued that the Havana regime “violates human rights and prevents Cubans from prospering with the fruit of their labor, forcing the people into a deep humanitarian crisis.”

About the recent demonstrations of the people, Payá noted that “despite the brutal repression, Cubans are protesting peacefully in the streets, demanding democratic change.”

The activist urged the international community to demand that the regime release the political prisoners and respect all electoral guarantees and fundamental human rights with the aim of holding a binding plebiscite to change the system and initiate a transition to democracy.

Finally, he urged the council to demand that Cuban leaders submit to the sovereign will of the citizens.

In the video published by Payá, you can also see part of the response of Juan Antonio Quintanilla Román, permanent representative of the regime in Geneva.

“What can you expect from an organization that gives its space to a mercenary to act as a speaker funded by the United States government?” the diplomat responded evasively.

“There is ample evidence that this speaker receives money from foreign powers and fattens her coffers at the expense of profiting from the cause of human rights,” he added.

Payá arrived in Switzerland this Monday and in a live broadcast announced that at the Human Rights Council would denounce the atrocities of the Castro regime and advocate for the end of the dictatorship.

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