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Amanda is recovering favorably from her third surgery

The little girl underwent surgery on Monday to remove blood clots that were endangering her life.

The Cuban girlAmanda Lemur OrtizHe is progressing favorably after receiving minimal access surgery this Monday to remove some blood clots.

Amanda is with her parents in Spain, where a hospital took care of her organ transplant. Doctors have indicated that recovery will not be easy, but it is progressing with encouraging steps.

The activistYamilka Lafita, better known as Lara Crofs, contacted Amanda's family on Monday night and confirmed that the girl has a lot of vitality after the latest surgery.

"I spoke with them (by video call) and the girl was awake, and quite active. It seemed like she had not even had surgery, her mother told me so and when I looked at her I could see it," said Lara Crofs.

He explained that the little girl's hemoglobin is 12, something that in Cuba could never exceed 8.5. Amanda's health is beginning to stabilize and this is encouraging news for all those who have closely followed her case since she was in Cuba and was fighting against the inefficiency of the public health system on the island.

The little girl's father is recovering after the transplant because he was the liver donor for his daughter. This Wednesday the stitches from the surgery should be removed.

TheAmanda's operation on Monday It was brief and successful. Despite the complexity of her sufferings, the girl continues to surprise her followers with her strength to fight for life.

The Spanish hospital covers the little girl's expenses, but not those of her parents, who will have to face the stay in a foreign country, for an indefinite period, without resources to support themselves.

Amanda's family and friends reactivated the fundraising campaign inGoFundMe, because solidarity is crucial to alleviate the weight of this battle that they are facing with fortitude.

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