Cuban girl Amanda receives several transfusions after a night of bleeding

If the girl does not stop bleeding, she will be taken to the operating room again to clean out the clot she has and eliminate the cause of the bleeding.

The Cuban girlAmanda Lemur Ortiz has had to receive several blood and platelet transfusions since Saturday, whenHe had to return to the salon for a new surgical intervention in Spain.

This Sunday, according to the activistYamilka Lafita (Lara Crofs), the little girl spent the night under constant monitoring because she was still bleeding and the surgeons began to give her medications to stop the bleeding.

"If she doesn't stop bleeding, they will take her to the room again to clean that clot she has and close whatever is causing the bleeding," he warned.Facebook.

"The baby is sedated, so she does not feel any pain at the moment. She is urinating well and the other parameters are constantly monitored," he said.

Facebook Capture / Lara Crofs

Lara made a statement on Saturday to give details of the minor's situation.

Let us remember that Amanda, whoOn March 15, she underwent a liver transplant, had to enter the operating room again on Saturday for corrective surgery, since the doctors wanted to rectify a bile duct connection with which they were not satisfied.

As Crofs explained, this duct is the main thing responsible for draining the bile, and after the transplant it was not closing or coupling as it should.

"This was known from the first day, the doctors have been waiting to see if it worked on its own and not have to intervene again," he clarified.

For that reason the girl was never completely closed, she only had some tweezers on.

Thenew operation to readjust the duct was very long, but successful. Surgeons drilled a catheter into Amanda's kidney to help make drainage easier. But then the girl started bleeding a lot.

"They have had to transfuse her several times, because she lost a substantial amount of blood, apparently due to this new perforation they made in her kidney," Lara said.

However, the activist asked to be positive and clarified that Amanda is not serious, but in need of care.

"She has had this bleeding but she is not in a critical, extreme situation, thank God. Simply, in the state she is in, any situation and bleeding is quite alarming. In a girl with the system that Amanda has, the platelets and hemoglobin starts to drop and everything can get complicated in a second," he stressed.

Regarding the recovery ofEmmanuel, the minor's father and who donated part of his liver, Crofs revealed that he is much better, still in pain, but he is already taking small steps and beginning to fend for himself.

The activist did not fail to remember that theenormous wear and tear with which the girl arrived in Spain is the fundamental cause of all the problems he has had to deal with.

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