They ask for help to transfer remains of two young women who died in the United States to Cuba.

The Cubans Thay Brindis and Eliany Gómez, who were friends and lived in the city of Las Vegas, died last Sunday, in circumstances that have not yet been clarified.

Las cubanas Thay Brindis y Eliany Gómez murieron en Las Vegas © Facebook/Thay Brindis y Eliany GómezLas cubanas Thay Brindis y Eliany Gómez murieron en Las Vegas © Facebook/Thay Brindis y Eliany Gómez
Cubans Thay Brindis and Eliany Gómez died in Las Vegas Photo © Facebook/Thay Brindis and Eliany Gómez

Family and friends oftwo young Cuban women who died in Las Vegas, United States, this weekend, ask for help to repatriate their bodies and bury them in their native Santiago de Cuba.

Thay Toast andEliany Gomez, who were friends and lived in that American city, died last Sunday, in circumstances that have not yet been clarified.

According to versions spread on social networks by close people, the young women presumably suffered fatal poisoning fromdrug overdose that someone put in their drinks while they were at a bar.

Facebook screenshotYordan Navarro

CyberCuba contacted sources close to both, but has not been able to corroborate the details of thetragic event that have mourned those of Cuban families.

Regarding the causes of their deaths, a friend of one of the deceased, who preferred anonymity, told this newspaper: "From an overdose, as I have heard, but it is not yet known if it was her cause of death."

Facebook screenshotGladed Brown

Both accounts on the platformGoFundMe They were created by people close to the young women in order to raise monetary funds for funeral expenses and the transfer of their bodies to Cuba, where their families are waiting to say goodbye to them.

Brindis, 29 years old and mother of a little girl who lives in Cuba, arrived in the United States last February. In Santiago de Cuba he lived in the Sueño district, friends confirmed toCyberCuba.

Facebook screenshotYordan Navarro

WhileGómez also had an eight-year-old son, who resides on the island, and grew up on Cañedo Street, in the Santiago neighborhood of Santa Bárbara, according to the sources themselves.

Facebook screenshotJennifer Bergues

The texts of both accountsGoFundMe They highlight the impact that the news has had on those who knew the young women and affirm that they will be remembered "for their kindness, their joy, their generosity...". They were “the kind of friend who filled us with energy and positivity,” the notes read.

Gómez is survived by her parents, María and Danilo, her grandparents Josefa and Danilo, and her 8-year-old boy, Christopher, notes one of the writings.

Facebook Capture/Thay Toast

The text dedicated to Brindis states that “it is her mother's wish to be able to hug her daughter for the last time.”

Greatshock and sadness has caused the death of the two young Cuban women among family, friends and acquaintances.

Capture de Facebook/Giselle Lotti

“We are very shocked by the death of both of them,” were the words of a friend of both.

Facebook screenshot/Madelayne López Isaac

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