Manuel Marrero assures that they are "soft" against corruption

Blandenguería seems to be the preferred word of Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz to refer to the problems on the island.

The Cuban Prime Minister,Manuel Marrero Cruz, returned to his call not to tolerate “soft” attitudes in the confrontation with corruption in Cuba, which he considered “a transversal issue, which belongs to everyone.”

The word, apparently to the taste of the Cuban politician, was heard again in the middle of the Palace of the Revolution and during a meeting of the group that addresses the issue at the national level, according to a report from thePresidency of Cuba.

“Until we close ranks from the factories, the warehouse, from the demands of the leaders at all levels,until we eliminate the softness in the face of things that happen and deep analyzes are not made, do not investigate the causes and conditions,Those doors, which are the ones that allow all these unpleasant things to happen to the population, will not be closed.", and we are not going to have the results with all the comprehensiveness that this phenomenon that is of national security demands," said Marrero before an audience made up of senior officials, military personnel, and provincial leaders who also joined by videoconference.

For MarreroThis action must be accompanied by “timely, truthful” communication., and with all the critical and self-critical sense, as part of one of the pillars of Government management, which is political, institutional and social communication for the people," he expressed.

In another sense, given the shortcomings experienced by the Cuban population,The prime minister acknowledged that the main thefts occur in products in greater demand, such as rice, flour and oil..

The Cuban Head of Government asked basic questions in a sea of scarcity and degradation of social values, as is happening in the context of the island. “How is this understood? How is this explained if we know that these are the most complex products? What additional measures have we taken to reinforce the custody and protection of these scarce foods, which cost us so much? he asked his interlocutors.

Without offering an effective formula to answer these questions, Marrero Cruz also called for increasing the demands on all these issues, and observing the role, even the participation, that cadres at different levels may have on this issue.

Marrero's harangue, repeated over and over again in the meetings where the same people sit to listen to the prime minister's "reflections", come in a context in which thecorruption scandal in which the former Minister of Economy and Planning Alejandro Gil Fernández has been involved, the most visible face of the supposed economic changes that have been carried out on the island since 2020.

In a note signed by the Cuban leader and first secretary of the Communist Party Miguel Díaz-Canel, “at the proposal of the Attorney General of the Republic, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Party and the Council of State, they approved that the competent bodies of the Ministry of the Interior will initiate the corresponding actions for the complete clarification" of the conduct that is attributed to Gil, among which he listed "corruption, simulation and insensitivity."

Together with Gil they have been arrested, until now and with the knowledge of public opinion, the owner of AgroIndustrial Media Luna, a successful company in Ciego de Ávila that produces fruit juices and other products under the Tuaba brand,Fernando Javier Albán, as well as the wife of the former minister, while their daughter remains incommunicado at home.

In January of this year, when explaining to the workers of the Inejiro Asanuma Spinning Mill in Gibara how the government of Miguel Díaz-Canel will “correct the distortions and re-boost the economy,”Marrero justified these actions using the word softness.

"What else can we do?...We are going to have a tough hand with everything done wrong. Let's go up to the botched work, to the softness. We all have to join together to really achieve the objectives, which are none other than seeing how we can get out of this situation, and achieve greater prosperity for our people,” he said at that time.

A few months later,Given the announcement of a crusade against private transporters that increase the rates of services to the population, he assured that they will not be "soft" when it comes to imposing sanctions..

In a meeting with Ministry of Transportation officials from all over the country, he urged the elimination of "softness" in the confrontation with the possible price increase that would be brought about by the entry into force of hisnew rates on March 1.

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