For the third consecutive day, the average sales value of the European currency in the informal market increases, as published on March 26 by the elToque in the rate that reports daily on the exchange rate at street level.
The European currency scales to 340 pesos per unit and this represents a new absolute record for the euro since 2019 elToque will begin to document the representative value of the three reference currencies in the informal market of the island.
The value reached by the European currency further consolidates the strong devaluation and the unstoppable abyss into which the Cuban peso is sinking.
The dollar and the freely convertible currency (MLC), for their part, maintain this Wednesday your values from the previous day: the US currency at 330 and the MLC at 275 CUP.
Regarding the behavior of the median values, in the last 24 hours elToque marks stability in the average purchase and sale values of the euro (340 CUP) and the MLC (275).
The dollar, however, is being bought on average at 330 and sold at 333, which could be an indication that the US currency could rise in price in the coming hours.
In the case of the minimum and maximum values recorded in the last hours, The euro has skyrocketed and while on Tuesday it registered a maximum of 350 CUP, today it shoots up to 400 pesos.
In the case of the dollar, the maximum value recorded remains at 345, the same as the previous day.
At the beginning of the month, economist Pavel Vidal warned in the monthly report of the Cuban Currency and Finance Observatory (OMFi) that The forecast models predicted that the value of the USD and the euro in the informal market could exceed the 340 peso mark in the remainder of March.
This March 27, four days before the end of the month, the European currency has reached the threshold of 340 pesos, while the dollar still remains at 330.
The constant escalation of the informal price of currencies is a clear indicator of the serious economic situation that Cuba is going through, where the regime continues without offering viable solutions to stop the devaluation of the national currency and the crisis.
The reference rate of elToque It is prepared after the analysis of the purchase and sale advertisements of the three reference currencies published on social networks and classified websites. From this result, a price is established that is used to know the values of the main currencies that circulate in the country.
However, it must be taken into account that The representative rate is formed from purchase or sale announcements, that is, they are not concrete operations, but rather they express the desire of the actors who participate in that market. Hence, the figures shared should be taken as a reference only.
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