Cuban government asks young people to stay to "build collective happiness" and approves the entry of foreigners to the UJC

The government calls on young people to "create their own happiness" in a country that is falling apart.

In the midst of a drastic decrease in militancy, the Cuban regime asked young people to stay in the country to build "collective happiness," and approved that foreigners "identified with the principles of the revolution" can join the ranks of the UJC. .

Speaking at the XII Congress of the Union of Young Communists (UJC), the head of the Ideological Department of the Central Committee, Rogelio Polanco, asked the youth on the island "to continue defending and do what patriotic Cubans should do, to be increasingly more Martian, Fidelist, more Marxist."

Recognizing the serious national crisis that pushed more than half a million people to leave the island in the last two years, the official even asked the new generations to "change the sense of happiness" for one that is viable within the country in crisis. .

"May our sense of happiness be different from the sense of happiness that they want to impose on us, which is not that of accumulating material things; but that the sense of happiness be this, that of seeking collective happiness in our spirituality, in our solidarity, in socialize our lives here, in the conditions of a nation that wants justice for all," Polanco stressed.

In the plenary session, 21 proposals for modifications to the organization's statutes were approved, which show the crisis it is suffering.

Among them, extending the age limit for entry into their ranks to 29 years, and admitting young foreigners "identified with the principles of the revolution."

Likewise, this year the UJC chose a unique slogan for its campaign for the 12th Congress, in a context of scarcity, discontent, exodus and increasing poverty in Cuba: "Create your happiness".

The philosophical slogan aims to invite young Cubans to invent an ideal world, in a country that is crumbling, so that they can find happiness for themselves. The State trusts that they will be the ones to take Cuba out of the misery in which it finds itself.

The increasingly low incorporation of Cubans into political organizations is a problem that worries the regime and which the state press has echoed on several occasions.

In 2022, the Girón newspaper, from Matanzas, compared the militants of the UJC that they do not want to join the Party with "children who refuse to eat food without even trying it."

Last February, the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel protested against the few UJC militants who were in a construction company on the Isle of Youth. He was concerned when he found that in the construction company of the special municipality there are 62 young people and none of them are members of the organization.

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