They ask for urgent help so that a young mother can save her life outside of Cuba

A 32-year-old Cuban mother of two small children and patient with a type of lymphatic cancer, asks for urgent help to be able to treat her illness in another country, for which there are no medications in Cuba.

Eidys Pérez Barrera, a 32-year-old Cuban mother of two small children and patient with a type of lymphatic cancer, asks for urgent help to be able to treat her illness in another country, for which there are no medications in Cuba.

The woman, who resides in the city of Pinar del Río, is a patient of“a diffuse large B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, CD 20 positive, in stage 4B, with bone marrow infiltration, osteolytic lesions and lymphadenopathy.”

Facebook Capture/Rays of Hope

“I am addressing all the people who can lend me their hand, their help… I have been undergoing treatment for a year and three months at the Abel Santamaría Provincial Hospital and at the Amejeiras Hospital and despite 14 sessions of chemotherapy, I have the disease as principle,” he said instatements collected by the “Rayitos de Esperanza” project, which has echoed the desperate request for help.

Eidys Pérez, who is the mother of a six-year-old boy and a three-year-old girl, said that the Cuban doctors have been very clear when explaining to her that there is no medicine in the country that could help her right now:Polatuzumab, a state-of-the-art drug specific to his disease, but with a high cost, since each bulb costs around 13 thousand dollars.

"I wholeheartedly need someone who can help me go to another country where there are more modern medications for my disease or raise funds to be able to buy even a bulb or two of Polatuzumab," he explained.

The young woman explained that,If with this medication he managed to achieve remission of his oncological condition again, he would then have to undergo a bone marrow transplant procedure, which would be the cure for his disease.

“Through this beautiful and human project 'Rayitos de Esperanza', I ask for your help to knock on doors and hearts, so that you can help me give back the hope of living. Thank you very much, God Bless You All," concluded the young woman, who stated that the last chemotherapy made her very ill.

"I can't wait long because the disease is very advanced", he insisted.

The aforementioned humanitarian project released the numbers of two bank accounts for those who can help:

9225 1299 7750 2894 (USD).

9205 1299 7577 5660 (CUP). Confirm at 59785601.

Facebook Capture/Rayitos de Esperanza

In a campaign on the fundraising platformGoFundme, the family asked for support to buy Polatuzumab Viotin (Monoclonal Antibody), of which they require at least three bulbs to administer, once they manage to leave the country.

In the midst of the severe crisis of drug shortages that Cuba is suffering, thousands of people die from cancer in the country.

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