Motorist is injured after crashing into a car in Santiago de Cuba

The accident occurred on Escario Street, between 2nd and 3rd, in the Santa Bárbara neighborhood, in Santiago de Cuba.

Accidente en Santiago de Cuba © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Accident in Santiago de Cuba Photo © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

A motorcyclist was injured when he collided with a car in Santiago de Cuba, in an accident that, according to reports, wasbecause the motorcycle driver did not obey a stop sign.

The independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada, when releasing the information, specified thatThe unfortunate event occurred on Escario Street, between 2nd and 3rd, in the Santa Bárbara neighborhood, in Santiago de Cuba.

Mayeta Labrada pointed out that the crash was against a vehicle belonging to the new “Moncada” Cement Factory, which is in the Abel Santamaría District, in the capital of Santiago.

In the shared photo you can see the motorcycle on the ground and a modern red Suzuki car with impacts on the front.

At least one agent from the National Revolutionary Police arrived at the scene on a motorcycle.

The source who provided the information to Mayeta Labrada, indicated that the motorcyclist, taken to the provincial hospital and reported for care, "is miraculously alive, and thank goodness he was traveling without passengers, because it would be worse."

However, a commentator, behind a profile close to the Cuban regime, provided some other details about the event, highlighting that "first aid was provided to the injured person by the personnel who came in front of the transport from the Cement Factory and a local youth."

While adding that "the injured party himself communicated with his family members on his own while receiving first aid at the hospital, being conscious at all times, although stunned by the event."

A few days ago, in the Cuban capital,A motorist was reported seriously injured after suffering an accident on Vía Blanca and General Lee.

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