A worker at the port of Santiago de Cuba is arrested for trying to take 7 pounds of rice for his house

The man was even handcuffed to a bench at a police station in Santiago de Cuba.

A worker at the “Guillermón Moncada” Cargo Port ofSantiago de CubaHe was arrested after being caught while taking seven pounds of rice in a bag, according to journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada, citing the family's testimony.

The arrested man, 55 years old and identified asEzequiel Chapman Bejerano, was detained from 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday in the second unit of the Santiago de Cuba police, known as “El Palacete.”

A video released by the aforementioned source showed the man handcuffed to a station bench with a serious face.

Family sources detailed thatChapman Bejerano will be accused of “attack” after refusing to show the bag to a Port security agent, “who told him to hand over the 7 pounds, but he resisted.”

Yosmany Mayeta stated that, after I asked the detainee's son why his father stole the rice, the young man answered:“Out of necessity, he had nothing to give to his family.”

Chapman Bejerano has worked in Puerto Santiaguero since 2005 and yesterday they were just going to give him "a module of some food", which he could not receive due to the incident, according to the family, who added that the module is not monthly but "when they want." ".

Mayeta Labrada indicated that the man is a veteran of the Angolan war who lives in not very good conditions in the Mariana de la Torre neighborhood.

Ezequiel Chapman Bejerano would also be the breadwinner for his family, in which a minor also lives.

As of the closing of this note, there are no other details about what happened to the worker after his arrest.

The news has generated dozens of comments from outraged Cubans who consider the charge of attack exaggerated, as well as absolutely unnecessary and humiliating to handcuff the man to a bench, as if he were a violent murderer.

Numerous commentators also lamented the level to which hunger has reached in Cuba and wonder what the charges would be for the winemakers who steal wholesale and for the leaders, to whom food arrives by the sackful to their house.

“How many free kilos will they give to the governor? Because I don't think she and her closest relatives would buy them"; "They arrest him for seven pounds and the leaders take the bags and nothing happens, what an abuse!"; "If that is an attack, what they are doing to us for a while is genocide"; were some comments.

There is also a lot of criticism for the police, who are demanding that citizens respond to the increasing rates of murders, assaults and violent robberies that the island is experiencing.

“They put a man in prison for taking seven pounds of rice to feed his family and they don't do anything to the real criminals, who are killing people to take what is theirs. Look what we have fallen into in this country, until when will the abuse with people who struggle to be able to eat? Police, really work, please, and don't abuse people anymore," said another Internet user.

However, there were those who pointed out that, beyond the crisis and shortage, it cannot be ignored that it is an attempted robbery, although they also consider the charge excessive and criticize that the man has been handcuffed.

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