Randy Malcom and Annaby Pozo celebrate 10 years together: "The place doesn't matter as long as it's with you"

The couple celebrated their anniversary with a romantic dinner in Miami.

Randy Malcom y Annaby Pozo Photo © Instagram / Randy Malcom

This April 3 was a date marked forRandy Malcom y Annaby Pozo, who spent a decade together. Ten years of love in which they have shown that their union is solid, strong and that they are in love just like the first day.

This anniversary is especially sweet for the Cuban couple, which in January of this 2024They got married by surprise during the Gente de Zona singer's birthday celebration.

To celebrate this special day, Randy Malcom shared a compilation of photos with his wife, some of which feature his children.

"The place doesn't matter as long as it's with you... Happy 10th anniversary! @annabypozo", wrote the Cuban artist next to the post.

For her part, the Cuban model and businesswoman uploaded in her stories how they celebrated this magical day. First, she received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from her husband with a romantic note included, and at night, they went on a date to celebrate these ten years of relationship.

"The summary of my last 10 years is love, love and more love thanks to you! Happy anniversary", says the note Annaby received.

Instagram screenshot

Randy Malcom and Annaby Pozo form one of the most stable couples in the world of Cuban entertainment. It is common to see them on their social networks sharing moments of unity with each other or in the company of their children: Malcom Jr. and the model's eldest, Yuyu, whom the singer loves as if he were his own.

Happy anniversary, couple!

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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