Motorist seriously injured after impact with a car in Havana

It occurred at an intersection considered dangerous, which is on Vía Blanca with General Lee

Maikel Arturo Pérez Salazar / Facebook © Un motorista herido en General Lee y Vía Blanca
Maikel Arturo Pérez Salazar / Facebook Photo © A motorist injured on General Lee and Vía Blanca

A motorcyclist is seriously injured after suffering an accident this Friday on Vía Blanca and General Lee, in Havana. This was reported by Maikel Arturo Pérez Salazar in a publication in the Bus & Truck Accidents Facebook group. According to him, the crash took place at 12:41 p.m. and in the shared photo you can see the motorcycle on the ground and a blue Citroen with impacts on the rearview mirror and the door on the right side of the car. At least four PNR agents in a patrol car and a pair of red berets attended the scene.

Those familiar with the complicated traffic situation at the intersection of Vía Blanca and General Lee have assured that "to get out of that intersection you have to be very careful and very calm" because accidents are common at that intersection as it is a dangerous stretch.

"Those who leave General Lee have the bad habit of only looking towards Vento and driving the vehicle forward, forgetting that there are those who come via Vía Blanca to join General Lee and also have priority. Right there, a crash occurs, although in this case It has nothing to do with it, but it has happened to me a lot," says an Internet user familiar with the area.

Only in the first five months of 2023 Cuba registered 3,600 traffic accidents with 290 dead and 2,800 injured. Total2023 closed with 729 deaths on the streets and highways of the Island.A figure higher than that of 2022.

One of the most recent accidents occurred two days ago in Villa Clara, when a crash in La Paloma, on the highway that connects Manicaragua with Santa Clara, left one dead and eleven slightly injured after the impact between a Yutong bus and a Zil model truck. 130.

One day before, March 19,a caravan of bikers fired a driver known as "Yipi", who died in an accident in Santiago de Cuba and was buried in Santa Ifigenia. In 2022, another caravan made up of dozens of motorcycles accompanied the mortal remains of the 21-year-old motorcyclist, Yunior Tabares Magdariaga,who died after losing control of the vehicle and falling into a hole in the middle of a street in the capital of Santiago.

Also on March 19A tanker truck from the Fire Department, donated by Russia, overturned at the entrance to the Electrical Distribution Center in Havana. Witnesses to what happened attributed it to excessive speed when taking the curve. In this case only material damage was reported.

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Tania Costa

(Havana, 1973) lives in Spain. He has directed the Spanish newspaper El Faro de Melilla and FaroTV Melilla. She was head of the Murcian edition of 20 minutes and Communications advisor to the Vice Presidency of the Government of Murcia (Spain).

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