Cuban warns: Explosive croquettes are back in Havana

Explosive croquettes have left many Cubans marked by deep skin burns.

José Albelo Gómez / Croquetas explosivas en Cuba © Facebook José Albelo Gómez / CiberCuba
José Albelo Gómez / Explosive croquettes in Cuba Photo © Facebook José Albelo Gómez / CiberCuba

The Cuban guyJosé Albelo Gómez He denounced on Facebook that he was a victim of "explosive croquettes" in Havana and warned that the unique food is once again doing its thing, at least in the kitchens of the capital.

"With these photos I want to warn all the people who live in themunicipality October 10 that I bought a package of croquettes at Salón León, a cafeteria next to the Brimart market. Please do not buy these croquettes that come in a nylon with 20 units. Look how they left me," Albelo said.

Facebook José Albelo Gómez

In his publication he attached several images where you can see the burns he suffered on his body, face and arms, when he fried the explosive Cuban croquettes.

The inhabitants of Havana are inalert again for the reappearance of "explosive croquettes". They are a culinary risk that has left numerous people injured in recent times.

Citizens express their frustration at a problem that seemed to have been mitigated, but that now resurfaces with incidents that result in dangerous burns.

The bad time that Albelo suffered is not an isolated case. In fact, in November several episodes ofburns from hot oil when frying this type of croquettes, mainly from the PRODAL brand.

Those affected are not limited to the capital province; Incidents have also been reported in other regions such asVilla Clara.

There are even accounts of explosions occurring after frying the croquettes, while they cooled on the plate, revealing the unpredictability of the danger.

Thecompany PRODAL, the main manufacturer of these croquettes, argued in 2021 that the explosions result from "a common error when frying them." The claim sparked a torrent of criticism from consumers and burn victims.

The state company added that its products have "great acceptance" and "high demand" that prompted them to continue working for a greater presence of them in Cuban stores and markets. The stance, far from calming things down, generated greater controversy among the population, given the injuries suffered by people.

Cuban citizens have been denouncing the existence of these explosive croquettes for years amid the food shortage on the island and the lack of options to choose a main dish to bring to the table.

Authorities and food producers in Cuba must take urgent measures to guarantee the quality of products and the safety of consumers.

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