They help an injured woman in Santiago de Cuba and steal her belongings

When the woman fell from the motorcycle, the first person who "helped" her stole everything she had on her: phone, money and IDs of her two daughters.

Mujer accidentada en Santiago de Cuba © Yosmany Mayeta Labrada / Facebook
Woman injured in Santiago de Cuba Foto © Yosmany Mayeta Labrada / Facebook

Awoman who suffered a traffic accident in Santiago de Cuba he was the victim of a robbery by an unscrupulous and shameless man whoHe allegedly came to her aid and what he did was take her belongings..

The incident was reported by the independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada, who revealed on his wallFacebook that the event occurred on Friday morning on the central Avenida Martí and the light fountain.

The victim was a passenger on a motorcycle and when she fell, the first person who "helped" herHe stole everything he had on him: phone, money, his two daughters' IDs....Then they put her on a car that took her to the Saturnino Lora Provincial Hospital.

Captura de Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

The woman was identified asAvinays Portuguese Brown, is the mother of two little girls, lives on Raúl Perozo Street in the Santa Elena neighborhood and works in the economics department of the Oncological Hospital.

"Is withknee injuries, a cut on his chin and burns on his arms and legs", the source of the information told Mayeta Labrada, who did not specify whether the injured woman required surgical intervention.

Photo: Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

Avinays was traveling on a rental motorcycle. The driver, calledCarlos Regueiferos, also suffered minor injuries.

Photo: Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

According to witnesses, the accident occurred when aAn older man jumped in front of them and the motorcyclist tried to avoid him, which caused the vehicle to fall.

An Internet user namedDailiana Valdés He assured in the post that the incident occurred on the corner of his home, five houses away, and that the suspect in the robbery is a woman.

"There was a person who helped her and that person ran home with something wrapped in a sack and another bag, and this person I tell you I know [who] is used to stealing and swindling, just like her husband, and in In my neighborhood, everyone says it was her... And after she brought the things to her house and left again to where the accident and the girl were," he said.

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