Water cuts announced for April 10 in several municipalities of Havana

The service will be affected in some districts of five municipalities of the capital.

Aguas de La Habana Company Arrangements (Reference image) Photo © Collage Facebook/guas de La Habana

TheHavana Water Company announced to residents in the west of the capital that, "due to maintenance work and repairs on the conductors and electrical lines that feed the Gato supply source", the water service will be interrupted on Wednesday, April 10 .

It is expected that the water supply will be affected in some areas of five municipalities between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Water service will be affected in the following areas and districts:

Havana del Este Municipality: Alamar, partially Camilo Cienfuegos and the Pan-American Village.

San Miguel del Padrón Municipality: Jacomino, Afán, Luyanó Moderno, Juanelo, California, María Cristina, La Rosalía, Monterrey, Dolores, Rocafort and Núñez.

Cotorro Municipality: Santa María del Rosario and the center of Cotorro.

Municipality Rule:The Casablanca district and partially the lower area of the municipality.

October 10 Municipality:Cast Lawton.

The note apologizes to affected users for the inconvenience caused and adds that once the repairs and maintenance work are completed, the water service will gradually be restored to its normal schedules.

In the comments section of the publication, residents in some areas of the capital explained that they have been without water for days, beyond the partial interruption of service announced now.

Problems with the water supply in Havana have been a recurring problem in recent months.

At the beginning of March amother residing in Cojímar exploded on social networks when reporting that he had been without water for more than a month.

The shortage in the supply of the vital liquid is not only a problem in the capital.

A few weeks ago, faced with the lack of water in Santiago de Cuba, the first secretary of the Party in the eastern province, Beatriz Johnson Urrutia, responded to the population not to despair, that the water would reach them soon.

"That everyone has their little bit of water within a week, and that people know that their little bit of water will arrive tomorrow, or the day after, or the next day, so that no one despairs," the official said in response to the complaints about the lack of water, which were part of the massive protests on March 17 in that territory.

Both in Havana and other provinces on the island, thousands of families spend up to 15 days or more without water, due to the deterioration of the infrastructure of the hydraulic networks and leaks, as the Cuban government has admitted.

Many times the government's response is limited to saying that there are no resources to resolve breakdowns and leaks, revealing the inefficiency of the regime in solving the country's basic problems.

In October of last year, the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRH) in Cuba recognized that in the country there are more than 4,000 leaks that affect the water supply.

According to Antonio Rodríguez, president of that entity, it is estimated that there are more than 4,000 exits, of which more than 2,000 are in Havana, as cited at the time by the official portal.Cubadebate.

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