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Cubans spot rafters near Key West: "Keep straight, they are coming"

The group of rafters was large, they traveled in a handmade boat with a motor.

Some Cuban-American fishermen sighted a rafter boat this Sunday, very close to Key West.

Dairo Alfonso Paes published a short video on TikTok with images of the emotional moment when they discovered the presence of the rafters at sea, very close to the coast of Florida.

"Don't stop, keep going straight, they're coming. Don't stop, damn it, keep going straight," a man can be heard saying in the video.

The fisherman explained that they could only give instructions and words of encouragement to the rafters, because in US waters it is not allowed to approach the boats, or offer any other type of help.

"It was in the morning,three miles from Key West. We saw them but we couldn't help them more. Then we continued on our way to fishing," Alfonso wrote on April 7.

United States authorities insist that theirborders are not open for illegal immigrants. These rafters could be repatriated to the island.

However, the situation in the Caribbean country is so extreme that many people prefer to jump into the sea, to fight for a better future, for a change in their lives.

They are willing to face all adversities to escape the poverty, precariousness, lack of freedoms and repression that exists on the island.

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