Mother of man affected by explosion at Saratoga hotel faces medical bureaucracy in Cuba

Almost two years after the explosion at the Saratoga hotel in Havana, the mother of one of the victims reported that her son has not yet been able to undergo surgery due to the regime's bureaucracy.

Víctima de la explosión del Saratoga no se ha operado por burocracia médica. © Collage captura X / @Martamar77 y X / Asamblea Nacional Cuba
Victim of the Saratoga explosion has not had surgery due to medical bureaucracy. Photo © Collage capture X / @Martamar77 and X / National Assembly Cuba

María Cos, mother of one of the victims of theSaratoga hotel explosion, in Havana, denounced that her son requires a surgical intervention which has not been carried out due to the bureaucracy of the Cuban regime.

As a result of the accident, which occurred in 2022, his son was trapped for three hours under a door and buried by rubble.

The woman published in the Facebook group "Cuban Mothers for a Better World" that the 19-year-old "needs an operation on his head and also had a problem in his urethra and has to use a direct urinary catheter to the bladder," she denounced. the journalist Marta María Ramírez in thered social X.

Cos explained that when the accident occurred, his son was a minor, so he was treated at the Juan Manuel Márquez Pediatric Hospital, in the Marianao municipality.

According to the mother, the problem is that the healthcare center does not have the necessary resources to perform the surgical intervention that the son requires.

“As he was a minor, his file stayed there, now at 19 years old he is older. At the Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital there are the resources and the machine that is needed, but the procedures are difficult,” denounced the woman, while pointing out the bureaucracy of the regime as responsible for the fact that the operation was not carried out.

Cos demanded attention for his son because “supposedly the victims of this disaster are a priority for the government,” and he blames them at the same time: “The accident was their responsibility, for a project whose operation went wrong.”

Complaint from his mother on Facebook

The woman recounted her son's hardships when his catheter became clogged: "He goes crazy with the pain and the urine cannot come out; we take it out with a syringe directly from the hole because it hurts a lot."

Finally, she also said she was desperate and asked for help to get probes 18 and 20.

Achieving quality care in a healthcare center in Cuba is an odyssey that affects the population, and involves the shortage of supplies and also bureaucracy.

Recently a CubanHe screamed for help so he could operate on a huge hernia in his abdomen. and he regretted the lack of conditions in the island's hospitals to resolve cases like his.

Lester López said that for two and a half years he had a colostomy and three hernias, which he had not operated on because "no one dares to do it" under the current conditions in hospitals.

Those same shortcomings made a desperate motherHe will beg for humanitarian aid for his son, who has no mobility on one side of his body.

According to Frida Riverón, the alleged medical error occurred when her son underwent an operation lasting more than 22 hours last February, under the effect of general anesthesia, for a stem cell implant.

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