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Details come to light about the shooting death of a man in Hialeah

Authorities have not made any arrests following the incident.

Miami-Dade police released details aboutthe shooting that occurred this Wednesday in which a man died in a home in Hialeah of two gunshots, and concluded that the incident was an act of self-defense.

According to the report oflocal media -which police sources cite- the deceased,26 years old and identified as Christian Rueda,He went shortly before seven in the morning to a home near West 13th Lane and 46th Street to confront his ex-girlfriend, Victoria Marie González, 25; and a friend of hers identified as Omar Jamal Huggins, 23.

After Rueda arrived at the scene, an argument developed that escalated quickly..

Huggins, who was legally carrying a firearm, told Rueda that he was armed in an attempt to calm the situation.

However, the young man began a struggle trying to snatch the weapon, which ended in the two shots that ended his life.

According to the Hialeah Police Department,Christian Rueda had an extensive criminal record that included previous charges of harassment and domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend.

After the fatal outcome, both the woman and her friend remained at the scene while the authorities went to the scene.

Both were later taken to Hialeah police headquarters for questioning by detectives.

Eddie Rodríguez, spokesman for the city's police, indicated that both young men cooperated with the investigation, and thatAuthorities concluded that the shooting was justified as an act of self-defense.

However, the police source has not specified that the deceased was armed.

The crime scene remained cordoned off for several hours. It was examined by experts, who collected evidence from the house and parking lot.

Neighbors in the area indicated that they were awakened by the sound of gunshots, something that took them by surprise because it is a relatively quiet neighborhood.

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