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Cuba is the second country that has the most asylum requests in Mexico

Honduras was the country with the most requests (10,376), and in second place is Cuba, with 5,152.

Colas para solicitar asilo a través de la COMAR en México © Wikimedia Commons
Queues to request asylum through COMAR in Mexico Photo © Wikimedia Commons

Cuba was the second country with the most asylum requests in Mexico during the first quarter of 2024, the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (Comar) reported this Wednesday.

That entity indicated in its last report that theasylum applications They fell 37% from January to March compared to the same period in 2023.

In total, 23,753 requests were received from January to March, 14,153 less than the record number of 37,906 registered in the same period last year, he explained.

Honduras was the country with the most requests (10,376), and in second place is Cuba, with 5,152.


They were followed by Haiti (1,982), El Salvador (1,732), Venezuela (1,314), Guatemala (1,309), Colombia (624), Nicaragua (301), Ecuador (183) and Angola (150).

In Tapachula, a border city between Mexico and Guatemala,15,092 applications were received, two thirds of the total.

The decrease in asylum applications coincides with a drop of almost 55% in the last three months of migrants detected in theMexico border with the United States, as reported by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador last March.

Last year Mexico established anew record in refugee applications, surpassing the mark of 129,000 they had in 2021 and among the largest groups of immigrants they received were Cubans.

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