Cubans in the US concerned about Marco Rubio's statements about trips to Cuba

The words of the Cuban-American politician generated alarm among those mentioned.

The question made by Marco Rubio By denouncing Cubans who are welcomed as refugees in the United States and then travel to the country from which they supposedly fled due to political persecution, it generates mixed reactions among the island's citizens residing in the United States.

“Measures must be taken for these people because if you entered this country as a political refugee it is because you have problems with the government there”said a Cuban in statements to Univision when questioned about the topic.

“Let them be investigated, because there are people who come and tell a lot of lies when they enter here,” added another citizen of Cuban origin.

"If you are asking for asylum it is for a reason," said a third.

However, there are those who consider that, Beyond this condition, the desire to support and help the family that was left on the island can destroy the will not to return.

“But they remember their family too, and it's really hard. I tell you this because I go to Cuba quite a bit. Right now I have people in my family who are suffering from dengue,” said a Cuban who said she understood those who do it.

In recent days, several lawyers consulted by the Hispanic press in Florida have given their point of view on the subject.

“Only people who enter the United States with refugee status or request asylum while already inside the United States. They are the ones who may be affected if they return to the country from which they are requesting protection,” he said in statements to the aforementioned means the lawyer José Guerrero.

"In the case of Cubans who after a year and a day take advantage of the Adjustment Law... they could still be questioned about the reason and reason for their return trip to the island when they arrived in the United States, asking for protection" , added the lawyer, while He denied that as of December 1, the Cuban Adjustment Law will be eliminated.

"The person who is legalized under the Cuban Adjustment has never had a restriction on traveling to Cuba," said lawyer Wilfredo Allen, who is also a lawyer.

However, according to what was pointed out by the aforementioned media outlet, There are already some cases of Cubans who, after applying for citizenship, have been surprised by a deportation order, since they traveled to the island after obtaining political asylum.

It is necessary to specify that the difference lies in the term refugee, since those who arrived in the United States claiming family reunification, humanitarian parole or visa lottery do not have to feel referred to.

Marco Rubio in the eye of controversy

It was last November 8 during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on the Biden Administration's request for additional funds to process migrants who enter the country illegally, which Marco Rubio generated immense controversy after questioning the situation of Cubans who are welcomed as refugees in the United States and then travel to Cuba, a country from which they supposedly fled due to political persecution.

“If you are fleeing persecution, how can it be that a year later you are spending your summers in Cuba? How can it be that less than a year later you are traveling, say, six to eight times a year to Cuba? I have never heard of people fleeing persecution and returning to one place repeatedly. “There is a problem here, right?” Rubio questioned in statements addressed to the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas.
Rubio detailed to Mayorkas the privileges enjoyed by Cuban refugees and the practices they carry out protected by them, such as sending aid money to Cuba, or the possibility of staying up to three months in the country from which they supposedly fled, among others. .

“Once you are here, it is assumed that you are here because you are a refugee fleeing persecution and you have a number of benefits at a minimum. If a year later you are here as a refugee, but you return to Cuba six times, shouldn't you at least lose your refugee status?” Rubio asked.

Mayorkas promised Rubio that he would study the matter and offer a response based on the legal arguments surrounding the issue.

In the last days the exile Ramón Saúl Sánchez attacked Senator Marco Rubio for endangering the Cuban Adjustment Law.

"Sooner or later, that type of attitude is going to cause all Cubans to be unable to see their families, and until we are able to find a formula to liberate Cuba, we cannot destroy the Cuban family as the Cuban regime does. We leave that to them," Sánchez said in statements to journalist Javier Díaz for Univision.

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