Pharmacies sell guava and passionflower remedies due to lack of medicines in Artemisa

Due to the continued lack of medical supplies, pharmacies in Artemisa are distributing guava and passionflower-based medicines as natural alternatives.

Medicamentos en Cuba © Facebook/Radio Artemisa
Medicines in Cuba Photo © Facebook/Radio Artemisa

Before the shortage of drugs in Cuba, the regime has resorted to natural medicine, in order to provide some remedy, such as guava and passionflower, to the undersupplied pharmacies.

According to the official broadcaster Artemis Radio, “pharmacies continue to provide services despite the existing shortage of medicines,” this is presented as an effort by the government to manage the shortage situation.

Likewise, they ensure that the medications are “supplied every 15 days and are distributed on Thursdays, with special attention to patients with a control card.”

Capture of Facebook/Radio Artemisa

But they have had to replace the delivery of medicines with natural production, which arrives according to the availability of plant mass in the Pharmacies and Opticians Base Business Unit.

“This is done in order to take advantage of the properties of some plants such as passionflower, guava, linden, chamomile, calendula in flower and others that help improve the health status of patients,” they say.

The note also warns that Cuban pharmacies subscribe to "the 43 measures for the socialist state company", so they "also sell secondary products associated with the corporate purpose such as hygiene and cleaning."

From July 2023, A total of 251 medications manufactured in Cuba are missing, which represents 40% of those in the basic table.

As usual, the regime has blamed the cause of the pharmaceutical industry crisis on the US embargo and the world situation.

Recently, in a meeting with officials from the Health sector, the Cuban leader Miguel Díaz-Canel affirmed that the shortage of medicines and medical supplies on the Island will continue.

"Given the lack of supplies and medicines, the best response we can give to our population in such difficult times is the quality of services, with shortages, we are going to have them, we are going to continue with a lack of medicines," said the president.

One of the measures taken has been extend non-commercial importation until June 30, free of tariffs, food, toiletries, medicines and medical supplies, without limits on their value.

He Ministry of Finance and Prices (MFP), in its Resolution 94 of 2024, extended this measure that applies to products that enter the country via passengers as accompanied luggage, reported the official Gazette.

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