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Images of the helicopter accident in Santiago de Cuba come to light

The accident occurred at 5:00 am. The MI-17 helicopter number H-115 fell from about ten meters high in the protocol area of the Santiago de Cuba airport.

Hours afterfatal helicopter accident that occurred this morning in Santiago de Cuba Images of the accident in which three people died have come to light.

The independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada shared on his wallFacebook a short video, taken from a parking lot seconds after the explosion was heard, and in which the flames can be seen in the distance in the darkness.

The accident occurred at 5:00 am. The MI-17 helicopter number H-115 fell from about ten meters high in the protocol area of the Antonio Maceo Airport in Santiago de Cuba.

The Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces(MINFAR) identified the deceased: Major Dairon González Espinosa, First Lieutenant Carlos Enrique Frómeta Rodríguez and Second Lieutenant Yunier Céspedes Escalona, according to a note shared by the official newspaperGranma.

According to the information, the aircraft "was carrying out a mission in the interest of the Revolutionary Armed Forces" when it crashed to the ground.

President Miguel Díaz-Canel sent condolences to the families of the victims in a brief message on Twitter.

Presumably, the device was supporting the visit of Army General Raúl Castro, who was in Santiago de Cuba on Wednesday with Miguel Díaz-Canel and other leaders, to participate in the burial ceremony of the remains of combatants of the Third Eastern Front.

From the first moment it emerged that at least three people had died, including a flight mechanic and two FAR Red Beret escorts.

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