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Clash with police during operation to dismantle a rooster fence in Cuba

A video published by the digital portal Cubanos por el Mundo shows how Cubans confront the authorities in favor of maintaining their rooster fence.

Cubans confronted the police during an operation by the authorities to dismantle a rooster fence.

According to the digital portalCubans around the World This police operation was intended “to avoid competition to the cockfighting business of Guillermo García Frías,” the guerrilla commander and leader of the Flora and Fauna Company in Cuba.

In a video shared on the social network Instagram, you can see how the Cubans confront the authorities, making it clear that they want them to listen to them, knowing that they are going to break the fence.

“We, to speak to you clearly, are going to break it,” said an officer in a threatening tone to those present, giving the example of other fences that have also been intervened on.

There are even promises that the owners of the fence could go to prison if they put it back into operation.

One of the women present said she did not want to hear anything, accusing the police of being corrupt.

“Hey, now, let them burn it. It gets put together again and if you have to go to court, it leaves,” were the woman's words.

Recently,a confrontation between two young people in Trinidad, province of Sancti Spíritus, ended with one dead and the other injured, according to reports on social networks.

The YouTuber Niover Licea assured that the opponents were friends and owners of two rooster fences, but they had some differences between them, which would have triggered an argument that ended in murder.

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