Fight between two Cubans in the middle of the street in Trinidad ends with one dead and one injured

The fight was over money and in the middle of the street.

A confrontation early this Friday between two young people in Trinidad, province of Sancti Spíritus, ended with one dead and the other injured, according to reports on social networks.

The opponent Alexander Fábregas, friend of the fatal victim - identified as Ramón Balmaseda (El Cholo)- specified that The fight was over money and the confrontation was with knives in the middle of the street.

And video broadcast on social networks shows the moment when, after being mortally wounded, El Cholo suddenly collapses on a sidewalk, while a few meters away His opponent walks down the middle of the street with what appear to be two bladed weapons, one in each hand.

In the images, a woman screams for an ambulance at a time when there was little movement of people on the street, as the incident took place between six and seven in the morning.

The youtuber Niover Licea assured that The opponents were friends and owners of two cock fences, but they had some differences between them, which would have sparked an argument that ended in murder.

The perpetrator has been identified as “Arroyo Hernández”.

Cubans around the World He stated - citing sources familiar with the event - that one of the young people looked for the other at his house, but due to the problem they were both having, they came out with knives. While they were walking down the street they began to argue and everything escalated until the fight that ended so tragically.

The opposition Alexander Fábrega wrote a heartfelt post on Facebook in which he lamented the death of Ramón Balmaseda, whom he says he met at the Tareas y Confianza Penitentiary Camp (Battle of Ideas) where Fábregas served nine months for his participation in the 11J protests. and where Balmaseda was serving a sentence for a common crime.

“Despite not being an opponent, he was anti-communist. We were like brothers, we had each other's backs. Without working like me, although his cause was common and mine was political, we defended ourselves tooth and nail and he never paid homage or reverence to the police, under lock and key like me," he wrote to evoke his friend.

"Man, damn...! That was his phrase when he addressed me and those around them in Detachment 28, cubicle #2, where there were only prisoners from Trinidad, Havana, and one from Sancti Spíritus. There there was El Cholo, "the son of Corporal Shangó, better known by many as the Trinitarian Flag. He never abused the unfortunate, on the contrary, he defended them, a sharer, a good human being, a good guy, apathetic to those who took advantage," Fábregas added.

The deceased young man is survived by two minor children and his wife.

As of the closing of this note, there are no other confirmed details about the incident, which adds to the wave of growing violence that has hit Cuba in recent months.

It is not the first time in recent months that an incident with knives has come to light in the middle of the street in Trinidad.

In mid-November, A woman stabbed a man in the middle of the street.

Also in that case the alleged cause was a money debt.

The man was passing by the woman's house to demand the money he owed her until that day "she waited for him behind the door with the knife, the man fell and started stabbing her," according to what a source then revealed to CyberCuba.

The growing violence keeps Cubans in suspense. In the last year, violent events of all kinds have skyrocketed in a society marked by an increasingly acute economic crisis.

This Saturday the violent death of a Cuban veterinarian also made the news, who He was murdered to steal his motorbike and other valuable objects, as revealed by a friend and colleague of the victim on social networks.

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