Cubans show empty refrigerators: "This is how we all are"

Inflation in the country leaves thousands of families without access to food due to the high cost of products such as meat, eggs and fish.

Refrigeradores de cubanos © Facebook Limay Blanco
Cuban refrigerators Photo © Facebook Limay Blanco

Thefood shortage in Cuba It leaves desolate images and empty refrigerators, a situation that is repeated throughout the island.

The Cuban comedianLimay Blanco He asked for help on social media to buy some rice and chicken from a close relative. In his publication he showed how that person has a completely empty refrigerator.

The reaction of several users was to share similar images with the leader of the Cristo Cambia Vidas Ministry, with refrigerators in which there are onlyfrozen water bottles.

"That's how many Cubans are, believe me, that's therefrigerator of 90% of the town"said a follower of the artist.

Comment on Facebook Limay Blanco

"God lend his hand and this will improve. I took a little of what they donated to make a good jaba and take it to Pinar del Río, but I lack rice and chicken. I don't know if I can upload the video of the delivery of the things because she is someone very close to me and if she is like this, so is her mother, who is mine," Limay said.

Comment on Facebook Limay Blanco

Opinions have been divided upon learning that Limay Blanco's sister and mother, apparently, are the ones who are going through this difficult situation.

Comment on Facebook Limay Blanco

Some followers of the artist criticize him for helping other people before his family. On the other hand, others showed solidarity and were willing to support Limay to get the food he is trying to buy.

Comment on Facebook Limay Blanco

Thefood shortage in Cuba It is such that sometimes you cannot find food products or have the money to buy them at high prices.

The regime has promised changes soon, but the Cuban peso is devalued more every day and the food shortage is worsening. TheExtreme poverty grows in Cuba, without better times arriving.

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