Crisis in Cuba: people look for food and resources in the garbage

Cuba is one of the poorest countries in Latin America, a fact evidenced by the alarming increase in people begging, looking for resources in the trash.

HeCuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) warned this Monday about the increase inbegging in the country, highlighting that it is increasingly common to see people going through garbage containers in search of food and other resources.

“Seeing people searching garbage dumps and landfills is part of the common panorama on the island, where 88% of the population lives well below the poverty line,” the organization denounced in thered social X.

The video shows the dramatic scenes of people searching for livelihoods in the waste, in the provinces of Camagüey and Havana.

Cuba is considered thepoorest country in Latin America, a fact evidenced in the alarming increase in people in situations ofbegging.

Although the government has recognizedthe failure of the so-called Ordering Task, has not been able to correct its deformations, including theincrease in poverty and inflation that affects thousands of vulnerable people and groups.

RecentlyThe regime admitted that the number of beggars on the island has tripled, while continuing to implement economic measures that push more and more of the population to the edge of poverty.

According to himMinistry of Labor and Social Security, in itIn the country, 3,690 homeless people have been registered between 2014 and 2023, reported the official newspaperWorkers.

However, the figure could be much higher since it does not include those who, for different reasons, have had to resort to begging in front of churches, orbefore the few tourists who come to the Caribbean island every year.

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