The governor Miguel Diaz-Canel He stated that there is "dispersion" in the way in which the new economic measures adopted in the country are being implemented, and called for a "tough hand" with those responsible.
During a meeting with the governors and the mayor of the Isla de la Juventud, Díaz-Canel spoke of the so-called projections - a term that the people replaced with "paquetazo" - to correct the economic distortions, without mentioning that these were created by him himself. regime after the Ordering Task.
Via telematic means, the leader demanded "to enter a much more dynamic stage, much more accelerated in implementation" and pointed out that important things are being neglected.
"We are lacking a strong hand in many places, we are lacking in taking exemplary measures in defense of our people," he added, quoted by Cubadebate.
While the Cuban people remain mired in the worst economic crisis in their history, without food, transportation, medicine or electricity, the leadership insists on carrying out the disastrous measures designed to "reboost the economy."
In February, Díaz-Canel called to counteract "the enormous enemy communication strategy focused on dismantling the measures, demonizing them, sow discouragement, hopelessness, so that there is no confidence in the measures and so that there is a break between the population and the revolution."
According to what he said then, this alleged campaign of the enemy wants to achieve a "social explosion that they have been designing for all these years," as if citizens, overwhelmed by hardships and shortages, did not have enough reasons to protest and express their discontent.
"We must be convinced of why we must defend these economic measures, because we have to expand them, although they are complex, they all have risks. Because if one does not understand them, one is not going to defend them," he stressed.
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