Cuban girl Amanda continues to recover: this Thursday her drains will be removed and she will start eating solid foods

Amanda is already in the room and shows favorable parameters: hemoglobin continues to rise and the abdomen is less swollen.

The Cuban girlAmanda Lemus Ortiz He continues to improve progressively and this Thursday they must remove all the drains that were placed in the last surgery at the La Paz Hospital, in Madrid.

As reported in a directFacebook the activistYamilka Lafita (Lara Crofs), the news couldn't be better, because the youngest is already in the room and shows favorable parameters: hemoglobin continues to rise, ascites went down even more and the abdomen is less swollen.

"The girl is quite cheerful, they are going to start giving her solid food. The other day they were giving her a puree and a cream, they are going to give her normal food: her beef with her broccoli, more consistent things to get her started." to recover," he explained.

Amanda has already left the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Spanish clinic and on TuesdayShe began to be fed by her parents.

A video posted on Instagram by Lara showed the girl's father, Emmanuel Lemus, feeding her "with all the love and satisfaction of this great father who put his own life at risk, so that today they could be sharing this moment."

On Monday,The little girl received permission to be transferred to a recovery room, thanks to its positive evolution. "They have ascites at 1.9, hemoglobin at 10. Everything improved a lot in the previous week," said the activist.

The minor's health has been improving for several days, after herfourth surgical procedure to control bleeding that he had in the first days of this month.

Amanda underwent a liver transplant on March 15 passed to correct an atresia of the bile ducts that he suffered from.

His stay with his parents in Spain will take an indefinite period of time, due to the deterioration he presented upon arriving in the European nation.

Family and friends reactivated the fundraising campaign inGoFundMe to financially help their parents, who must support themselves there without having a job or any source of income.

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