Images of an altercation between William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez to which the police attended come to light

“This is my house and there is another woman with my ex (…) He is into something and there is a woman inside,” Elizabeth told the police.

William Levy y Elizabeth Gutiérrez © Instagram de los artistas
William Levy and Elizabeth Gutierrez Photo © Instagram of the artists

The separation of William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez has become a scandal, this Thursday images of the last domestic altercation involving the couple and to which the police attended.

Last March 2The authorities went to the artists' house after a call from Elizabeth, who was outside the home in the company of his daughter Kailey, as detailed in the video published by El Gordo y La Flaca.

This is my house and there is another woman with my ex (…) He is into something and there is a woman inside,” the actress and model tells the police.

At that moment, Levy's screams are heard demanding to be left alone and his daughter's response, quite upset:“No, you need to leave us alone.”.

Elizabeth explains to the authorities that her daughter had gone to collect some belongings from the house when she saw a woman in her father's room who tried to hide.

Levy's ex-partner insists that the police accompany her to the house, but they refuse to enter with her. Only one officer is in charge of speaking with the Cuban actor, butthis dialogue cannot be revealed, unlike that which takes place outside the home, because it occurs within private property.

During the conversation, one of the officers asked Kailey if her father abused her, and the young girlHe said he had pushed her so she wouldn't see the woman..

As they left the house, the other police officer told them that there was no woman there, just the cleaning person, but Elizabeth and Kailey insist that she must have hidden or left before they arrived.

The couple's daughter reacted very angrily and it was Elizabeth who clarified the reason for her behavior to the police: “She's seen a lot, she's been through a lot, she has to grow up fast because I blocked him like I said and he messaged her and she's involved and it's unfortunate.”

In the conversation with the authorities Elizabeth confirmed that she was living in an apartment with Kailey.

“We see him twice a week at the baseball game, andhe doesn't even look at his daughter, he doesn't even talk to his daughter, he doesn't even text you to ask, have you eaten, are you okay, do you need money. "I'm living with what my family is giving me, because he was just like, get out of here, give me the car keys, I'm with a rental car, that's the situation," Elizabeth tells the officers.

It was precisely the actress who a little over a week agoconfirmed that the two were separated after almost 20 years together.

William Levy, for his part, assured on Instagram that he hasyour version of the story and he even threw a hint that many think is directed at the mother of his children:“To those who I gave so much the most, they try to destroy everything”.

What do you think?


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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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