Cuban woman accused of stealing more than $100,000 from her ex-partner while he was traveling on the island

The couple had been in a romantic relationship for more than two decades.

La cubana acusada © Collage Captura de Telemundo 51
The accused Cuban Photo © Collage Capture of Telemundo 51

A woman of Cuban origin was arrested in Miami Gardens accused of withdrawing up to $100,000 from her former partner's Wells Fargo bank accounts, taking advantage of the fact that the man was visiting Cuba.

The accused, 49 years old and identified as Kenia Pardo Báez, He had a relationship of more than two decades with the victim, but both agreed to separate at the beginning of 2023 and live temporarily in the same house until the sale of the home, which was owned by the man, was finalized.

However, taking advantage of a trip that the victim made to Cuba in July 2023, Pardo Báez illegally accessed his ex-partner's online banking profile, where he altered his contact information and proceeded to make several electronic transfers. unauthorized access to their own accounts, as revealed Telemundo 51 citing police sources.

In total, it is estimated that the defendant managed to divert more than 100,000 from the victim's accounts through fraudulent bank transfers and illegal payments to third parties.

According to bank records, Pardo Báez made several cash withdrawals of the extracted sums, leaving few traces of his initial whereabouts.

Upon the man's return to Miami, he discovered the suspicious movements in his account statements and the authorities were alerted to the case.

The accused tried to justify the transfers by claiming that it was a prior financial agreement with her ex-partner, but the woman was unable to present strong evidence to support her version of events.

Kenia Pardo Báez could not offer a coherent explanation or documentation that validated her alleged agreement with the victim.

After being arrested, she was formally charged with charges of bank fraud, aggravated robbery and criminal conspiracy.

When the detectives asked her why she had done it, the Cuban woman said that “It was the money I had promised her and what she deserved.”

Kenia Pardo Báez is no longer listed in the TGK prison registry. As of this writing, there are no other details about the case.

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