Cuban returns to the island after 5 years to reunite with his family: This was the emotional moment

The protagonist of this emotional video is TikTok user @ony_ony_de_barber, who shared the moment in which he hugged his loved ones again after 5 years.

A Cuban resident in Dallas (United States) has made us participate in theemotional reunion that he experienced with his family upon his return to the island after 5 years.

The protagonist of the emotional images is the TikTok user @ony_ony_de_barber, who owns a barbershop in the United States.

The scene that he shared on his TikTok profile shows him arriving in a car until his relatives come running to hug him despite the rain."5 years away from my family, thanks to all my saints for listening to my prayers...for asking for this great day to come into my life, it has finally been fulfilled", he wrote alongside the beautiful video, in which he appears very excited to be with his loved ones again.

This reunion is added to the many things that Cubans from different parts share on their social networks. Scenes that move users from all over the world.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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