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Cuban arrives to the island by surprise to reunite with her mother: "Without power but I felt in the best place in the world"

A Cuban woman surprised her family by arriving on the island without warning after two years.

A new reunion between a Cuban woman and her family is exciting users on TikTok, where the protagonist of this surprise broadcast the videos of her arrival on the island after almost two years away.

The user who shared the videos is @zailyduran, on TikTok, where the images have gone viral, exciting thousands of Cubans from all over the world.

One of the moving scenes he published is the reunion with his mother, whom he had tried to deceive by telling her that he was in the Bahamas. In the video he appears arriving at his family home in the middle of a blackout.

"I arrived by surprise to my little mountain, without power but I felt in the best place in the world. Being able to hug my mom, reach the place where I grew up, my people, my family", this Cuban wrote at the bottom of this video.

"I told my mother that I was in the Bahamas, I managed to mislead her but she gave me a job. She said I was in Cuba, and she almost guessed", he added.

In another video, this Cuban shows us how she also surprised her grandmother with her arrival."There are no words that can describe that moment, almost two years away from my family and I was finally able to give that hug that distance prevented me. My surprise trip to Cuba was more than a surprise. Without a doubt, one of the best memories what I will have in my life, little by little we are achieving our goals, thank you my God for so much", he expressed.

The emotion conveyed by the reunions of Cuban emigrants with their families transcends the screen and there are thousands of netizens who view this type of content on TikTok, turning these videos into viral ones.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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