Young Cuban attends the 2024 International Wushu Tournament in China

Hiroshi Torres will participate in the 2024 International Wushu Tournament in the modalities of Taichi Chuan fist and Taichi Chen with sword.

Hiroshi Torres, practicante cubano del Wushu. © Collage Facebook / Hiroshi Torres
Hiroshi Torres, Cuban Wushu practitioner. Foto © Collage Facebook / Hiroshi Torres

The Cuban guyHiroshi Torres participate in the2024 International Wushu Tournament, a contest that takes place from this Sunday until next April 26.

During the event, which takes place in the southern province of Jiangsu, in China, the young man participates in the modalities of Taichi Chuanfist and Taichi Chen withsword, reported the official agencyLatin Press.

According to Torres, the contest will give him new experiences, which he will then pass on to his students, while at the same time it is a good opportunity to represent theCuban Wushu School, of which it is a part.

In addition, he pointed out that the Cuban school has great international prestige: “Thanks to the work of the teacher and president first of allRoberto Vargas Lee and because, in addition, the country has remained among the top positions in world competitions.”

He2024 International Wushu Tournamenttakes place in China, after several countries expressed concern about not being able to attend the world championship of this sport last year in the United States.

17 years ago, Hiroshi Torres competed for the first time in China, at the ninth Wushu Championships. The 2024 International Wushu Tournament marks its return to the country after so many years.

Since then, he has continued to participate in various national and international competitions. In 2023, he achieved first place in the fifth edition of the Alba Games in Venezuela.

TheCuban Wushu School, with more than four thousand members, offers a program that combines internal and external styles of Chinese martial arts.

Another of his students, Meyling Wong, is currently pursuing a doctorate at the Wushu School of Beijing Sports University.

The famous actor Jackie Chan expressed his desire to strengthen cultural ties with Cuba during a visit this Monday to the island's embassy in China, in which he also announced the donation of one million masks for the Cuban health system.

TheCuban Wushu Schoolreceived Jackie Chan's honor in 2022 -whose real name is Chan Kong-sang- who recorded a message of recognition to the institution and its president and founder, Roberto Vargas Lee.

In addition, the famous actor expressed his intention to visit the Cuban educational center.

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