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Santiago de Cuba teacher fights for her life after being stabbed by her ex-partner

The attempted feminicide occurred on Sunday afternoon.

La víctima de un intento de feminicidio en Santiago de Cuba © Facebook/Triana Ferrer
The victim of an attempted femicide in Santiago de Cuba Photo © Facebook/Triana Ferrer

A mother was stabbed this Sunday in her home allegedly by her ex-partner and father of her children in Hoyo de Chicharrones, inSantiago de Cuba, according tomade it known journalist Yosmany Mayeta on social networks.

The victim of an attempted femicide was identified as Triana Ferrer, who works as a teacher at school 31 “Fernando Proll Céspedes”.

The aggressor - whose identity has not been revealed -He would have turned himself in to the police thinking that he had murdered the mother of his children.

Neighbors of the injured woman revealed to the aforementioned source that the man had a history of gender violence against Triana Ferrer and that on one occasion he cut her face and one arm.

The woman remains alive admitted to a room at the Joaquín Castillo Duany Military Hospital, located in the Los Cangrejitos neighborhood, in the Santiago capital municipality.

Captura de Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

In the comments section of the publication, a source with knowledge of the case updated that the victim's clinical condition has improved in recent hours.

Other Internet users who identified Triana Ferrer as a beloved and charismatic preschool teacher from the aforementioned educational center were dismayed by what happened and even offered their help to take care of her in the hospital.

As of this writing, there are no other details about the case. Neither official sources nor feminist platforms have reported what happened so far.

If verified as an attempted femicide, the attack on Triana Ferrer would bring the number of similar cases in Cuba so far this year to three.

Until last April 19, the Alas Tensas Gender Observatory (OGAT) and the YoSíTeCreo platform in Cuba had verified so far this year17 femicides, two attempted feminicidesand five cases in which access to the police investigation is required

In 2023 the Cuban regimefive feminicides were sentenced to life in prison, another two to 40 years in prison and more than 70% of those accused of murdering women to sentences between 25 and 30 years in prison.

However, the regime denies the femicides and claims that they are a “media construction.”

According to Miguel Díaz-Canel, the term feminicide indicates alleged state inaction in the face of gender-based violent acts, “a media construction completely foreign to Cuban reality,” he stated categorically in his closing speech at the congress of the Federation of Cuban Women ( FMC).

The government did not include the figure of feminicide in the new Penal Code approved in May 2022.

In December 2023, the Government assured that sexist murders on the island totaled 117 "at the end of October", but the criterion used was not specified.

The agencyWhich oneindicated that the average profile of the victims of sexist violence in Cuba in 2023 was a 37-year-old woman, mother of at least one child, resident in a rural area and murdered by her ex-partner.

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